We partner with Peerwith Experts to provide better service

Since 2018, we have been an official partner of the Peerwith intellectual platform that works with Russia, the CIS countries and Asia. The Peerwith platform gathers scientists and experts worldwide to improve the quality of an academic work. Peerwith aims to advance science by establishing a link between researchers and international experts.

Experts translate, check for plagiarism, conduct an express audit, edit and select magazines. They look for co-authors, transliterate, submit articles for publication, review, fill out grant applications, solve copyright issues, increase views, help create a career in academia, advice on financing and act as mentors.

The key qualities of our experts are professionalism and experience. We receive many requests for inclusion in our roster of experts. However, we accept only professionals with established experience—we refuse beginners. All our editors have an academic degree. Each editor is tested to ensure that they are properly trained. We also constantly monitor the skills development of our experts.

Do not waste time and effort. Trust our experts and increase your publication chances.

Sample scientific work after editing ∙ PDF, 5 Мб

Фамилия и имя Страна Ученая степень
Dr. Josh Pennington US PhD
Dr. Marieke Krijnen NL
Dr. Murray Hay CA PhD
Rosalyn Johnson CA PhD
Laurence Frank NL PhD
Dr. Stephanie Bolyard US

Amongst all specialists, we selected the best and asked them briefly talk about their experience, specialisation and their services offered. If you prefer a specific expert, you can indicate his/her name when filling out your application.

Thank you for your cooperation with our experts. Thousands of authors from different countries were able to take their rightful place in the global scientific community. Join us!

The data are based on successful applications for the period 2018–2020.

Get information about our services, choose the type of service you need, fill in an application, interact with the best experts and achieve your goals. You will succeed!

Best regards,
The ORES Team