Scientific papers sent to the editorial boards of scientific journals must comply with certain international standards. Order an express audit of your scientific work to increase the chances of publication. Our experts will conduct a comprehensive check using numerous parameters and form a list of proposals to improve the structure and logic of the content, spelling and other aspects.
The service for expert evaluation of a scientific paper performed by our experts for five (5) days is an effective way to reduce the time for publication considerably. Editorial boards of prestigious scientific journals, such as Scopus and Web of Science, review applications for publication for months. If your paper is rejected after the review, then the publication may extend in time or not take place at all. Therefore, we visually check the overall quality of the paper and provide recommendations to improve it. Subsequently, we check the details, cross-links and references and evaluate the style, structure and clarity of the text.
Our advantages:
- Papers are audited by experts who specialise in the subject area and topics of your scientific work;
- Evaluative mentioning accurately matches international standards and the requirements of the editorial boards of scientific journals with high-impact factor;
- Our auditing service provides a detailed analysis of your scientific work and ends with the issuance of the results in a tabular form, along with recommendations for revision, to the author.
Attention! Scientific papers and other materials intended for journal publication in Scopus and Web of Science lists are accepted in English. Need a translation? Place your order with us!

Our experts delve deeply into the essence of the paper and identify weaknesses in its content, design and structure.
See an example
PDF, 0.7 Мб

Our experts delve deeply into the essence of the paper and identify weaknesses in its content, design and structure.
Paper quality checking sample ∙ PDF, 0.7 Мб