Urban Transitions 2022

April 17, 2022    4824

Integrating urban and transport planning, environment and health for healthier urban living

8-10 November 2022 | Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

Urban Transitions 2022 aims to promote healthy urban development by bringing together different disciplines working within cities. Meet world leading experts on urban and transport planning, architecture, environmental exposure assessment, environmental epidemiology, physical activity, climate change, and public health and governance to discuss current challenges and solutions.

Submit abstracts here by 20 May 2022

Conference Chair:

Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen, ISGlobal, Spain

Cities suffer from many environmental, climate change and health problems. Poor urban and transport planning is part of the problem, but can also be part of the solution. There is great potential for improvement through targeted and integrated policies. However, the urban environment is a complex interlinked system. Decision-makers need enhanced understanding of the linkages involved, cities need better knowledge, and multi-sectorial approaches are needed to tackle the current problems. Urban Transitions 2022 will address science and practice and provide pathways to low carbon, liveable, equitable and healthy cities.

Topics include:

  • Cities (concepts)
  • Land use and transport (interrelations, planning, design and engineering)
  • Planning, environment and health (exposures, epidemiology, health impacts)
  • Nature based solutions/green cities
  • Justice and inequality
  • Engagement, impacts and education

View the extended list of topics

Target audience

This conference will be of interest to researchers, policy makers and practitioners in:

  • Urban planning
  • Architecture
  • Transport planning
  • Environmental science and exposure assessment
  • Climate change
  • Public health (epidemiologists, health impact assessment)
  • Citizens science
  • Social science
  • Policy and decision making