Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry/Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya

Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry (Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya) was founded in 1975 and is now one of the most prominent chemical journals in Russia. It presents reviews, original papers, and communications on all aspects of theoretical and experimental coordination chemistry. Modern coordination chemistry occupies a special interdisciplinary position in the chemical sciences, being at the junction of various fields and serving as a bridge between the inorganic, organic, physical, analytical, and biological branches of chemistry. The Russian school of coordination chemistry, which began as a creative friendship between A. Werner and L.Chugaev, has developed strong ties with leading western chemical schools. Russian chemists have contributed a great deal to the formation and growth of this field of chemistry and still play a leading role in the world chemical science. The materials published in the Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry are meant not only for specialists in various fields of pure chemistry, but also for those working in related disciplines, such as chemical engineering, chemical analysis, molecular catalysis, ecology, biology, medicine, agriculture, materials science, hydrometallurgy, and energetics.

Журнал включен в списки БД МБД, Springer, WoS, Scopus, CA(core)

Percentile Scopus ASJC Code Scopus Sub-Subject Area Quartile
36 1500 Химическая технология (все науки) 3
38 1600 Химия (все науки) 3
CiteScore Source ID
Web Site Articles in 2018 Articles in 2019 Articles in 2020
Link 113 112 81

Другие журналы в этой предметной области

  • ISSN: 10703284
  • Научный журнал включен в БД Скопус.

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