Mechanics of Solids

This is the principal journal from the Former Soviet Union in the field of solid mechanics. It publishes articles in the general areas of dynamics of particles and rigid bodies and the mechanics of deformable solids. In approximately a thousand pages a year the journal reports on the latest, up-to-the-minute research results in the following areas:Vibration of discrete and continuous systems Stability and optimization of mechanical systems Automatic control theory Dynamics of multiple body systems Elasticity, viscoelasticity and plasticity Mechanics of composite materials Theory of structures and structural stability Wave propagation and impact of solids Fracture mechanics Micromechanics of solids Mechanics of granular and geological materials Structure-fluid interaction Mechanical behavior of materials Gyroscopes and navigation systems NanomechanicsArticles in the journal are primarily theoretical and analytical in nature and present a nice blend of basic mechanics theory with an analysis of contemporary technological problems. Mechanics of Solids has been available in translation since 1966 and over the years has been a refreshing source of new outlooks, new analytical approaches to mechanics problems and new results.

Журнал включен в списки БД МБД, Springer, WoS, Scopus

Percentile Scopus ASJC Code Scopus Sub-Subject Area Quartile
22 3100 Физика и астрономия (все науки) 4
22 2211 Сопротивление материалов 4
CiteScore Source ID

Другие журналы в этой предметной области

  • ISSN: 00256544
  • Научный журнал включен в БД Скопус.

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