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Поиск по каталогу

38.35.00 Минералогия X

Найдено 3 журнал(ов)


Doklady Earth Sciences
SJR: 0.368
The journal of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Includes materials from the following areas: geology, mineralogy, petrology, oceanology, geography, soil science, paleontology, geochemistry, and geophysics....
Doklady Physical Chemistry
SJR: 0.292
Doklady Physical Chemistry is a monthly journalcontaining English translations of current Russian research inphysical chemistry from the Chemistry section of the Doklady AkademiiNauk (Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The journalpublishes the most significant new research in physical...
Geology of Ore Deposits
SJR: 0.421
Geology of Ore Deposits (Geologiya rudnykh mestorozhdenii) is one of the few special periodicals devoted to metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources and the conditions of their formation and distribution. Founded in 1959, the journal contains original scientific articles and reviews on a wide...

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