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Поиск по каталогу
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
SJR: 0.509
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics is a monthly journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). It contains the English translations of papers published in the Zhurnal Vychislitel’noi Matematiki i Matematicheskoi Fiziki, which was founded in 1961 by Academician A.A. Dorodnitsyn....
Fluid Dynamics
SJR: 0.362
Fluid Dynamics, a translation of Izvestiya Rossiiskoy Akademii Nauk. Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, is the leading Russian journal for the publication of theoretical, computational and applied research in the fields of aeromechanics, hydrodynamics, plasma dynamics, underground hydrodynamics, and...
Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics
SJR: 0.2
The Journal publishes selected articles from Sibirskii Zhurnal Industlial'noi Matematiki and Diskretnyi Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsii on mathematical research in natural sciences, technology, ecology, medicine, and economics. The publications are devoted to the qualitative theory of differential...
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics
SJR: 0.567
Выходит только на английском языке.The Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics a peer-reviewed periodical, deals with the full range of topics subsumed by that discipline, which lies at the foundation of much of contemporary science. Thus, in addition to mathematical physics per se, the journal...
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
SJR: 0.299
Articles report on current developments in theoretical physics as well as mathematical problems related to this field. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics covers quantum field theory and theory of elementary particles, fundamental problems of nuclear physics, many-body problems and statistical...