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Поиск по каталогу

31.15.00 Физическая химия X

Найдено 16 журнал(ов)


Catalysis in Industry
SJR: 0.257
Тематика:Теоретические основы промышленного катализа, каталитической технологииКинетика каталитических процессовПроизводство катализаторов, исходное сырье, оборудованиеЭксплуатация катализаторов. Пуск катализаторов, восстановление, пассивация, регенерация; утилизация отработанных...
Colloid Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Kolloidnyi Zhurnal
SJR: 0.299
Colloid Journal (Kolloidnyi Zhurnal) is the only journal in Russia that publishes the results of research in the area of chemical science dealing with the disperse state of matter and surface phenomena in disperse systems.The journal covers experimental and theoretical works on a great variety of...
Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves
SJR: 0.245
Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves publishes original experimental, numerical, and analytical research papers on the combustion of condensed, gas, and disperse systems, detonation, and shock-wave propagation. The main emphasis is given to:The Physics and Chemistry of Combustion and Detonation...
Crystallography Reports
SJR: 0.304
Crystallography Reports (Kristallografiya), founded in 1956, publishes original papers, short communications, and reviews on different aspects of crystallography:diffraction and scattering of X-rays, electrons and neutronsX-ray, electron, and neutron diffraction determination of crystal structure of...
Doklady Physical Chemistry
SJR: 0.292
Doklady Physical Chemistry is a monthly journalcontaining English translations of current Russian research inphysical chemistry from the Chemistry section of the Doklady AkademiiNauk (Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The journalpublishes the most significant new research in physical...
High Energy Chemistry
SJR: 0.304
Founded in 1967, High Energy Chemistry (Khimiya vysokikh energii) publishes original papers on radiation chemistry, photochemistry, plasma chemistry, laser chemistry, and other aspects of high energy chemistry. It is the only scientific journal of its kind. It publishes theoretical papers and...
Journal of Structural Chemistry
SJR: 0.211
Journal of Structural Chemistry, a translation of Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii, is a publication of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This outstanding journal contains papers on all aspects of theoretical and practical structural chemistry, emphasizing new physical methods and...
Journal of Surface Investigation
SJR: 0.253
The Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques (Poverkhnost. Rentgenovskie, Sinkhrotronnye i Neitronnye Issledovaniya) publishes original experimental and theoretical articles and reviews on the most topical problems of surface phenomena, surface structure, physical...
Kinetics and Catalysis
SJR: 0.27
Kinetics and Catalysis (Kinetika i kataliz) was founded in 1960 by the prominent Russian scientist Academician G.K. Boreskov, along with other outstanding specialists in kinetics and catalysis, including Professors V.V. Voevodskii, A.A. Balandin, S.Z. Roginskii, and V.N. Kondrat’ev. This journal is...
Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces
SJR: 0.322
Наименование русской версии журнала: Физикохимия поверхности и защита материалов.Физикохимия поверхности и защита материалов публикует материалы, касающиеся теоретических и прикладных аспектов проблем физической химии поверхности материалов, а также защиты различных материалов от коррозии и...
SJR: 0.281
Radiochemistry (Radiokhimiya) was founded in 1959. The journal covers the theoretical and applied aspects of radiochemistry, including the fundamental nuclear physical properties of radionuclides; the chemistry, physical and analytical chemistry, and spectroscopy of radioactive elements and...
Russian Chemical Reviews
SJR: 0.896
Russian Chemical Reviews is an authoritative, specialist publication, providing easy access to reviews of important new work from Russia and the other countries of the former USSR - now the Commonwealth of Independent States. It is the English edition of the monthly review journal Uspekhi Khimii,...
Russian Journal of Electrochemistry
SJR: 0.315
Russian Journal of Electrochemistry (Elektrokhimiya) was founded in 1965 by Academician A.N. Frumkin, an outstanding physical chemist. The journal covers allaspects of research in modern electrochemistry....
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry
SJR: 0.227
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Zhurnal fizicheskoi khimii), founded in 1930, offers a comprehensive review of theoretical and experimental research not only from the Russian Academy of Sciences but also from the entire Commonwealth of Independent States. Articles published concern chemical...
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B
SJR: 0.272
The journal publishes studies in the following areas:elementary physical and chemical processesstructure of chemical compounds, reactivity, effect of external field and environment on chemical transformationsmolecular dynamics and molecular organizationdynamics and kinetics of photo- and...
Журнал публикует оригинальные статьи и обзоры, посвященные научным исследованиям и промышленному использованию мембран и мембранных технологий, включая следующие основные направления: новые мембранные материалы, создание высокоэффективных (полимерных и неорганических) мембран; гибридные мембраны,...

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Наш проект развивается, и мы создаем канал в Телеграм. Каким он будет, мы решим вместе с вами. Откройте форму по кнопке ниже и расскажите, что вам интересно

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