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This publication has been unique in the world seismological literature in that it has been the only journal devoted entirely to the geophysical instruments used in seismology. The journal reports on the design and implementation of a wide variety of instruments and pays increasing attention to seismic observations, interpretation of seismic data, and development of monitoring methodology. Typical topics covered are:SeismometersComputerized digital seismic stationsOcean bottom and borehole seismic stationsAutomation of geophysical monitoringStrainmeters and tiltmetersGravimetersMagnetomersDigital resistivity variometersMetrology for very broad band seismometersCalibration and performance analysis of seismometric channelsSignal detection and noise suppressionResults of application of modern instruments in seismological researchThe instruments described are frequently newly certified working models with full description of their construction and working elements. Throughout, the unifying theme in this journal is the application of modern instruments in seismological research. In addition to covering the actual instruments for registering seismic waves, instrumental-methodological questions of observation are discussed applying various geophysical methods which are used to search for earthquake precursors and to study earthquakes in process.

Журнал включен в списки БД МБД, Springer, WoS(ESCI)

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  • ISSN: 0747-9239

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