
Radiochemistry (Radiokhimiya) was founded in 1959. The journal covers the theoretical and applied aspects of radiochemistry, including the fundamental nuclear physical properties of radionuclides; the chemistry, physical and analytical chemistry, and spectroscopy of radioactive elements and compounds; the chemistry of rare earth elements; the occurrence, speciation, and behavior of natural and artificial radionuclides in the environment; environmental problems of the radiochemical industry and atomic power engineering; devices and methods for radiochemical analysis; processes and equipment of radiochemical engineering; the recovery of radionuclides and the synthesis of labeled compounds; the use of radioactive tracers in chemical studies; radiation chemistry and after-effects of nuclear conversions; and the historical, philosophical, and educational aspects of the radiochemistry, as well as book reviews and reviews of radiochemical conferences.

Журнал включен в списки БД МБД, Springer, Scopus, CA(core)

Percentile Scopus ASJC Code Scopus Sub-Subject Area Quartile
17 1606 Физическая и теоретическая химия 4
CiteScore Source ID
Web Site Articles in 2018 Articles in 2019 Articles in 2020
Link 92 107 80

Другие журналы в этой предметной области

  • ISSN: 10663622
  • Научный журнал включен в БД Скопус.

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