High Energy Chemistry

Founded in 1967, High Energy Chemistry (Khimiya vysokikh energii) publishes original papers on radiation chemistry, photochemistry, plasma chemistry, laser chemistry, and other aspects of high energy chemistry. It is the only scientific journal of its kind. It publishes theoretical papers and reports on experimental studies in all areas of high energy chemistry, such as the interaction of high-energy particles with matter, the nature and reactivity of short-lived species induced by the action of particle and electromagnetic radiation or hot atoms on substances in their gaseous and condensed states, and chemical processes initiated in organic and inorganic systems by high-energy radiation.

Журнал включен в списки БД МБД, Springer, WoS, Scopus, CA(core)

Percentile Scopus ASJC Code Scopus Sub-Subject Area Quartile
20 1606 Физическая и теоретическая химия 4
CiteScore Source ID
1,3 https://scopus.com/sourceid/26902
Web Site Articles in 2018 Articles in 2019 Articles in 2020
Link 88 85 62

Другие журналы в этой предметной области

  • ISSN: 00181439
  • Научный журнал включен в БД Скопус.

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