Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves publishes original experimental, numerical, and analytical research papers on the combustion of condensed, gas, and disperse systems, detonation, and shock-wave propagation. The main emphasis is given to:The Physics and Chemistry of Combustion and Detonation ProcessesStructural and Chemical Transformation of Matter in Shock and Detonation Waves, and Related PhenomenaThe journal's coverage also encompasses:Production of New Materials by Shock and Detonation WavesExplosion WeldingExplosive Compaction of PowdersDynamic Responses of Materials and ConstructionsInitiation of Detonation in Condensed and Gaseous PhasesHypervelocity ImpactEngine and Power Unit CombustionEnvironmental Consequences of Combustion and ExplosionCombustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves is a translation of Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, a publication of the Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The English edition of the journal is published simultaneously with the Russian original.

Журнал включен в списки БД МБД, Springer, WoS, Scopus

Предметные области журнала

Percentile Scopus ASJC Code Scopus Sub-Subject Area Quartile
38 3100 Физика и астрономия (все науки) 3
42 2102 Энергетика и энерготехнология 3
41 1600 Химия (все науки) 3
38 2103 Топливные технологии 3
42 1500 Химическая технология (все науки) 3
CiteScore Source ID
Web Site Articles in 2018 Articles in 2019 Articles in 2020
Link 94 93 70
  • ISSN: 00105082
  • Научный журнал включен в БД Скопус.

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