Izvestiya - Atmospheric and Ocean Physics

The journal publishes original scientific research and review articles on vital issues in the physics of the earth’s atmosphere and hydrosphere, and climate theory. The journal throws light on recent investigations into physical processes in the atmosphere and ocean that control climate, weather, and their changes, which have possible practical applications. It also gives room to the discussion of results obtained in theoretical and experimental studies in various fields of oceanic and atmospheric physics, such as the dynamics of gas and water media, interaction of the atmosphere with the ocean and land surfaces, turbulence theory, heat balance and radiation processes, remote sensing and optics of both media, natural and man-induced climate changes, and the state of the atmosphere and ocean. The journal publishes papers on research techniques used in both media, current scientific information on domestic and foreign events in the physics of the atmosphere and ocean, conference proceedings, book reviews, and leading personalities in the field. Leading scientists from Russia and the CIS are the authors of this journal and members of its editorial board. The journal is of interest to scientists, post-graduates, and graduate students.

Журнал включен в списки БД МБД, zbMATH, Springer, WoS, Scopus, MathSciNet

Percentile Scopus ASJC Code Scopus Sub-Subject Area Quartile
30 1910 Океанография 3
23 1902 Наука об атмосфере 4
CiteScore Source ID
1,3 https://scopus.com/sourceid/14083
Web Site Articles in 2018 Articles in 2019 Articles in 2020
Link 166 176 70

Другие журналы в этой предметной области

  • ISSN: 00014338
  • Научный журнал включен в БД Скопус.

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