Cybernetics and Physics

Cybernetics and Physics (CAP) is published under umbrella of the International Physics And Control Society (IPACS). The scope of the journal includes all areas related to Cybernetics and Physics. Prospective authors are invited to submit high quality papers on applications of cybernetic methods to physical sciences and technologies, in particular, nonlinear dynamics and control; quantum information and control; control of oscillations, chaos and bifurcations; control in thermodynamics; modeling and identification of physical systems; complexity and self-organization; analysis and control of complex networks; network and systems synchronization; control of plasma, beams, lasers, mechanical and micromechanical systems and nanotechnologies as well as other related applications in science and technology.The papers in cybernetics with physical flavor as well as the papers in physics with cybernetic flavor are welcome. Cybernetics is assumed to include, in addition to control, such areas as estimation, filtering, optimization, identification, information theory, pattern recognition, etc. SECTIONS Complexity and self-organizationControl of oscillationsControl of chaos and bifurcationsControl in thermodynamics Control of flows and turbulenceApplications of cybernetic methods in chemistry, biology and other natural sciences Nonlinear dynamics and control Information PhysicsQuantum information and controlAnalysis and control of complex networksSynchronization of systems and networksControl of mechanical and micromechanical systemsDynamics and control of plasma, beams, lasers, nanostructuresModeling and identification of physical systems Editorial OfficeInstitute of Problems in Mechanical EngineeringRussian Academy of SciencesBolshoj 61, V.O., St. Petersburg 199178, Russia) E-mail: cap@physcon.ruFax: +7(812)321 4771

Журнал включен в списки БД МБД, Scopus

Предметные области журнала

Percentile Scopus ASJC Code Scopus Sub-Subject Area Quartile
24 1702 Искусственный интеллект 4
40 1507 Гидродинамика и транспортные процессы 3
28 3101 Физика и астрономия (общие вопросы) 3
38 2606 Управление и оптимизация 3
28 1711 Технология обработки сигналов 3
30 1707 Машинное зрение и распознавание образов 3
CiteScore Open Access Source ID
1,4 YES
Web Site Articles in 2018 Articles in 2019 Articles in 2020
Link 26 44 13
  • ISSN: 22237038
  • Научный журнал включен в БД Скопус.

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